Thursday 12 September 2013

Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover Review

Bourjois always seems to get it right when it comes to nail polish, so when i saw this nail polish remover in boots I caved in and thought i'd give it a try!

The main selling point for me was the fact it's all in a bottle ready to go! I personally hate messing around, with cotton pads and separate bottles of nail polish remover ( I no its lazy!) but when you change your nail colour every few days its a pain!

To use this product, all you have to do is simply pop your nail in to the pot, turn the bottle a few times and voila no nail polish on your nails!

When the solution drys it smells fruity (red fruit and vanilla) which is amazing for someone who dislikes the smell of nail polish remover!

My only gripe with this product (a very small gripe) is that Bourjois claim that it removes nail polish in 1 second which it doesn't its more like 8 seconds which in my view is still pretty impressive!
This is my holy grail nail polish remover it'll be hard to beat!

It retails at £4.99 which is a absolute bargain for what it does and how long it lasts! I've had this product for a few months and its still going strong!!

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